2025 Itikaf is full
Masjid e Baqi, Banjara Hills, Ramadan 2025
Itikaf is a beautiful Islamic practice where a Muslim secludes themselves in a masjid for a certain period of time, typically during the last 10 days of Ramadan. During Itikaf, the individual focuses on spiritual purification, prayer, and contemplation. It is a sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and a highly recommended practice in Islam.
The word "Itikaf" comes from the Arabic word "I'tikaf," which means "to seclude oneself." The person who observes Itikaf secludes themselves in a mosque for a specific number of days, typically during the last 10 days of Ramadan. During this time, they remain in the masjid, dedicating their time to worship, Quran recitation, and contemplation. It is a time to disconnect from the world and connect with Allah (SWT).
If you wish to observe Itikaf, we invite you to register by filling out the form below. May Allah (SWT) bless you during your time in Itikaf and grant you the strength to observe this beautiful sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him). There are only a limited number of slots and the selected people will be given a confirmation message. Preference will be give to people who live close by and are in 10 days Sunnat Itikaf.